Saturday, January 12, 2013


Well it has been a long time sense I have written on this old blog, to say the least. Chris and I have been busy with life in general. Thankfully I will be graduating at Brigham Young University in Leisure Service Marketing in April and having my cute little Blakeley in April as well. It's going to be a crazy month for us. Blakeley is due April 2nd which is right before finals week and graduation is on the 25th of the month plus my cousin Aubrey is due the same week as graduation as well. Hopefully we can get through the month alive! I'm excited for the upcoming months in February Chris and I will be getting our maternity pictures done, and it is Chris's 26th Birthday. March I will be having my baby shower that my mom and I are excited about throwing and we are also throwing my cousins baby shower the weekend after mine. I get excited about planning and throwing events, specially for other people. My baby shower theme is going to be vintage pink, the colors are going to be soft pink, gray, white, and some accent colors. Aubrey's baby shower theme is going to planes, trains, and automobiles, and her colors are going to be Red and navy blue.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

One more week left of school!

This week has been rough to say the least. All of my classes have required a final presentation to end the semester with. So, everyday this week I have\and going to have a presentation. Lucky me! NOT! I hate presentations, I would rather take a test then have to present. Every time I present I get to nervous, I stutter, and I shake, it is not a pretty sight. Today I have a presentation in my MCOM-Business writing class and I'm sooooo scared. Last night I was stressing out so much I started crying. I just hope that it will go by fast! After all my presentations are done this week I have about 3 days to study for 4 of my final exams, then---I'm home free for about 3 weeks until it starts all over again for winter semester.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Blind Dates

So I thought that I would post this blog post from my husbands blog and see how many comments I could get about this specific subject. I love the way my husband writes he is sooo good! Everything he writes about on his blog makes me laugh. I wish that I was able to write the way he does. I hope that everyone who reads this blog gets a good laugh, because most of us have been in these situations of being set up on a blind date before. I have to say though, blind dates actually do work. My husband and I met on a blind date, not thinking that it would work out, but eventually it did. In the end, it did take me a lot of blind dates to find the one who I did marry. I never liked blind dates until I was set up with the right person. So here it is!

First Dates Suck (written by Chris Dayley)


A while ago I was set up on a blind date by one of my buddies, who typically had good taste in women and whom I thought I could trust to set me up on a legit date. We masterfully crafted a date that was sure to woo any girl, and which was geared around spending a lot of 'quality' one-on-one time with our dates. (What we actually did was jack some peoples paddle boats and paddle around one of those lakeside neighborhoods.)

Welllllll, I wouldn't classify myself as a 'shallow' guy, I just know what I like, and it didn't take long to figure out that I was not going to be calling this girl again. Probably about 12 seconds. Nevertheless, I was committed to being a fun date, so I wasn't rude or anything. We had planned a movie first so we could get some cuddle on. Well I certainly couldn't be so cruel as to not cuddle with my date when everyone else was, so we cuddled and enjoyed the movie.

Anyways, to make a long story short, we had a fun date but as predicted, I never called the girl again. This is where the story starts to suck. Well, like 3 years later, (like a month ago) I had that same buddy who had set me up with that girl come up to Utah to visit me. He said he had some girls up here we could visit so I of course obliged and we went to visit them. How surprised was I when some random girl that I didn't know came up and hugged me and said "Hey Chris! I haven't seen you in forever!". Awwwwwwkward. I had no idea who she was. Well, my friend reminded me that it was that girl he had set me up with years ago. Like a punch to the mouth I recalled the date and laughed at the unthinkably small chances that I would ever run into this girl again, let alone hundreds of miles from where I had taken her out.

Maybe we were destined to be wed? WRONG. I spent most of the night glued to my friend, and tried not to make it awkward. Anyways, this is why I hate first dates. I can usually tell within the first 30 seconds if it is gonna work out or not, and if it doesn't, boy it can suck if you ever see that person again!


Monday, November 21, 2011


I have been waiting for Thanksgiving Break for 2 months! And now.... It is finally here!!! This has been the longest semester ever. I can't wait to finally be with my family and spend time with them. I'm super excited for Black Friday, my mom and I go crazy for Black Friday. This year we want to get everyone who is coming with us shopping T Shirts that say "Black Friday 2011" on them, so hopefully we can get those done before Friday. This Christmas is Chris and I's first Christmas being married. It has been stressful trying to figure out everyone's Christmas gifts and deciding on how much we are going to spend on each person. Luckily, I have been finding a lot of "Make It Your Own Christmas Gifts" on Pinterest that have saved us so much money. Anyways until next time

Monday, November 7, 2011


I'm so excited for Christmas this year! This is going to be a new experience for Chris and I because it is the first Christmas we have had sense we have been married. Last Christmas was the day Chris and I got engaged, so Christmas is a pretty memorable day for us. I can't wait to also see my parents for Thanksgiving and Christmas, I haven't seen them for so long it seems like. I love trying to find gifts for Christmas it is my favorite thing ever. I sometimes love giving gifts more then getting them. I want to start making some new Christmas decorations soon! I have the perfect gift for my mom this year for Christmas and I can't wait to give it to her, I have wanted to give this gift to her sense the summer. I hope that she loves it and I hope that it means a lot to her. I love my mom and dad so much I couldn't be more grateful them. I'm just so blessed to have such wonderful family, friends, and husband.


Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick Or Treating

Happy Halloween! unfortunately Chris and I don't have a lot going on tonight, this tends to happen when you grow older, get married and don't have any children there is not a lot of things to do for Halloween. I wish that we had children to take Trick Or Treating I love Halloween for that reason only. I guess we will just watch Halloween movies, make Halloween treats, and go to bed.
This last weekend there were so many Halloween events going on. I was part of a Halloween Carnival Thursday, and all day friday which was such a pain to decorate and plan. There were over 2,000 people who came, it was a success. Then all day Saturday and all Saturday night I planned a Halloween party at Chris's parents house which turned out to be one of the best halloween parties I have ever planned and been to. It was so much fun! we planned games like bobbling for apples, donut eating contest, and a costume contest. Best party ever! There were so many people who came to! Anyways, I congratulate any of you who have the opportunity go Trick Or Treating. Take advantage of these wonderful memories.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Changing my Life One Step at a Time

So last night my wonderful husband Chris brought me home some health products from Unicity International where he works, and I have to say that I'm converted from just three of the products that I have had . The company is an MLA company which sells weight loss products. Some of their main products that they sell are called Slim, and Macha, but they also have many more products on their website. I'm not going to lie, I was skeptical about this whole weight loss product. It is hard to sometimes trust those weight loss products but, after taking three of their products just starting last night I feel like they are really the best health product I have had. They not only taste so good, but they make me feel good.


Now without artificial flavoring and sweeteners. Drinking Bios Life Slim® two to three times a day before meals trains your body to burn away excess fat forever—without the jitters, hunger, or confusion of weight-loss products or programs—creating a slimmer, more active, more attractive you. *Copied from Unicity International Website

Visit their website for more information:


Matcha is backed by nutritional science and is the first energy drink powered by Chi-Oka Matcha, a superior green tea with 20 times more antioxidants than the açai berry. Carefully selected, all-natural ingredients are best-in-class for:


Boosting energy
Amplifying mental clarity
Providing antioxidants to strengthen the immune system
Restoring and balancing electrolytes
Increasing metabolism
*copied from Unicity International Website

Visit their website for more information:

If you are like me and hate eating breakfast, or just don't crave anything for breakfast you should try Lean Complete Chocolate. It is so good. I don't know if I can live without it now.

This deliciously satisfying meal replacement is available in rich chocolate. A smooth, high-protein shake, Lean Complete helps build a lean, healthy body with essential vitamins, minerals, and natural fibers. Two scoops mix easily with 8 oz of water, skim milk, or soymilk. Enjoy Lean Complete in place of one meal per day. *Copied from Unicity International website

Visit their website for more information:

Try for yourself and let me know what you think!
